Hofmeister XIX is an on-line, searchable version of the Hofmeister Monatsberichte for the years 1829-1900. Containing some 330,000 records of music publications, it is the most extensive resource for establishing what was published where and when during that period. Records are linked to facsimile images of the Monatsberichte on the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Austrian National Library) website.

To learn more about the Hofmeister Monatsberichte, click here. For basic information about the information in the database click here. To start searching, click here.

❗️Future of Hofmeister XIX: update

I would like to thank everyone who wrote to me in response to my request for letters of support for the continuation of Hofmeister XIX beyond 31 December 2024. There were nearly 100 responses and they demonstrated what an important part Hofmeister XIX plays in many people’s work – it was fascinating to hear about the different ways people use it. I believe this will very much strengthen my hand in trying to negotiate a long-term future for Hofmeister, and we are now in touch with a number of institutions that have expressed preliminary interest in giving it a new home. The process may take some time, and I will post another notice as soon as I have more to say. In the mean time please keep your fingers crossed!

One thing I will add is that we do have a backup plan to archive Hofmeister XIX as a static database. This would reduce its functionality and is not our preferred solution. But whatever happens, Hofmeister XIX won’t just disappear.

Hofmeister XIX is a joint project of